March 2020
A Note from Nancy
An accurate census count is so important to our community. Keep in mind that the numbers that the 2020 census tallies are the numbers that will be used for the next 10 years. But, used for what?
Did you know . . .
- The results of the census are used to reapportion the House of Representatives, determining how many representatives each state gets. Ohio is projected to lose at least one seat in Congress after the 2020 Census. That is one less voice to make sure our interests are served.
- After each decade’s census, state officials redraw the boundaries of the congressional and state legislative districts to account for shifts in population. We could find ourselves combined with even more metropolitan areas making our rural voice unheard.
- Employers of all sizes need accurate U.S. Census data to plan for future job growth and make key
business decisions. Employers use Census data to understand the local labor supply and consumer needs and preferences. If it looks like we don’t have enough people, businesses won’t move here.
- Schools rely on adequate government funding and local taxpayers in order to provide education. If you aren’t counted our schools may be underfunded. A child in the fourth grade in 2020 – who is not counted on their parents’ Census will deprive the school system of funding for that child through the 12th grade. But the local district still must educate the child. That’s all on the local taxpayers.
- The census provides the basis for distributing grants for economic development.
Because an accurate count is so important, Andover Public Library is helping to ease the process of filling out the census. This year you will have the opportunity to enter your information online. Don’t have access to the Internet? You can come to the library and use our computers. Or you can bring your laptop, tablet, or smart phone to the library and we will help you access the census on your personal device.
Or we will be coming to your town hall with computers for you to fill out your census online. Keep an eye out for the date.
I also can’t stress enough that there will be unscrupulous people claiming to be a census taker taking advantage of having access to your home. All census takers will be wearing a very visible identification tag. If they don’t have a tag that you can read, don’t open the door. Or avoid having a census taker come to your home altogether. Accurately fill out the census online in a timely manner and there will be no need for anyone to visit you.
Find out more about the 2020 Census here.
Nancy Logan, Director